
Optimize Your Cloud Expenditurewith CloudPare

In the digital era, managing cloud costs effectively is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Using cloudpare, we provide effective solution to help you streamline your cloud operations and significantly reduce costs.


Cloudpare Features

Experience the Power of Efficient Cloud Management with Cloudpare

Session Monitoring

CloudPare monitors the active session at ten-minute intervals.

Turns Off Machine

Inactive sessions will trigger the machine to turn off after checking thrice.

Automatically starts cloudpare

Cloudpare will automatically starts if machine reboots. So no manual start is needed.

Supports popular Linux distributions

Cloudpare supports popular Linux distributions such as Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, and CentOS.

Cloud Cost Optimization

This will result in a reduction of the excessive costs associated with cloud VMs.

How to use cloudpare?

Give neccessary permission to cloudpare (Download cloudpare in root directory)

$ chmod 777 cloudpare

How to setup cloudpare ? (note: It will also start cloudpare automatically)

$ ./cloudpare

How to check cloudpare status ?

$ systemctl status cloudpare

How to start cloudpare ?

$ systemctl start cloudpare

How to stop cloudpare ?

$ systemctl stop cloudpare

Use help for more commands you can use with cloudpare.

$ ./cloudpare help